# Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus --- **Type 1 diabetes mellitus**, sometimes called **insulin-dependent diabetes** is a type of [[diabetes mellitus]] that occurs because the body can not produce insulin (or not produce enough insulin) to adequately get the [[blood glucose|blood sugar]] into the body's cells. This happens when an [[autoimmune disorder|autoimmune reaction]] that targets the [[pancreas|beta cells]] in in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin. Patients with type 1 diabetes rely on [[insulin#Exogenous Insulin|exogenous insulin]] for maintaining their blood sugar levels in a safe range. Researchers are still figuring out why exactly this happens, but they have identified some environmental factors that seem to trigger the autoimmune reaction in some people. Some of these identified environmental factors are: - [[animal virus|viral]], [[bacteria|bacterial]] infections or [[toxin|toxins]] - medications - [[stress]] - genetics - cold weather - diabetes develops more often in the winter than the summer - more common in cold climates - early diet - less common in people who were [[breastfeeding|breast fed]] ## Managing Type 1 Diabetes Managing type 1 diabetes is all about blood sugar control. This is often done with fingerstick glucometers or even a pump that stays on for long periods of time and continuously monitors the blood sugar. Timing and amount of both insulin and carbs (and what *type* of carb) is critical To avoid becoming [[hyperglycemia|hyperglycemic]] patients with diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels, be aware of the carbs (and type of carbs) that they eat and take [[insulin#Exogenous Insulin|insulin]] to bring their blood sugars to safe levels. Some people have pumps that can monitor blood sugar and give bolus doses of insulin as required. If someone takes too much insulin, or does not eat enough carbs they may become [[hypoglycemia|hypoglycemic]]. When this happens someone should have some [[monosaccharide|simple carb]] like juice or candy. If they are unconscious and unable to swallow, they may be proscribed emergency [[glucagon]]. ### Sick Plan A **sick plan** is put into place when someone with diabetes gets regular sick, like with a cold. This is because when you're sick your body produces things like [[glucocorticoids|cortisol]] that alter blood sugar levels away from baseline, even if you're just sitting on the couch not eating or doing much of anything. - Monitor blood sugars even more frequently than normal - Q3-4 - try to eat a little bit more frequently than usual - If vomiting, diarrhea or fever make sure to take liquids with some sugar like juice ### Exercising with Diabetes `It is best to eat a simple carbohydrate to boost the blood sugar slightly before exercise. Giving insulin soon before or after exercise can cause a patient to bottom out. Alerting the patient’s gym to their medication condition is recommended.` ___